
I’m Tereza the maker behind Makoa Creative. Pronounced MAK-OA after my 2 sons Mak and Koa.

A self taught jeweller and artist. All the pieces you’ll find here are designed and crafted by me in my home based studio located in Courtenay on Vancouver Island BC.

Jewelry Care

Avoid chemicals like household cleaners and liquid jewelry cleaner. Jewelry polishing cloths are my go to and get the job done. If your brass is really tarnished, a tiny bit of Brasso also works wonders. Just avoid getting Brasso on any stones.
Tassel earrings are a little more delicate due to their materials, so please handle with care. Avoid submerging in water along with pulling or rubbing on them. If they get misshaped you can wet your fingers slightly and gently smooth the tassel back out, avoiding pulling too hard!

Please don't wear any brass jewelry in the ocean or pool as the chemicals and water may oxidized the metal. Sulphur will also darken your Silver. A silver polishing cloth will bring it back to its bright form.
Store your jewelry in a dry place. Moisture leads to tarnish, the bathroom is not a great place to keep your jewelry. A ziplock bag will slow down the natural tarnishing process and is suggested storage if you are not wearing your pieces daily.